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Tuesday 9 July 2013

A freezing day
Its freezing cold,
We are bold,
We ran so fast,
But I am left behind.
I walk so slow,
My ears fall off,
And I am frozen tight.
I hope it warms up,   
Or I will sigh,
And forever die.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Evil Sea Monsters Kill Humans
Evil sea monsters hide but when a ship enters their foggy lands they will kill on sight. Some sea monsters do not have eyes; some have vines all over their body. They also have ears the size of the smallest dust specked. Some sea monsters also known as Crinigamens wrap their fine like tail around ships and crush them, their bones are like titanium which makes them incredibly strong.

Some incredibly rich souls like to waste their money on finding this beast, so-to-speak, for their sub or ship gets torn or swallowed faster than screwing in a bolt.   

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Name: Nightmare of the Skies
Crab claws for nipping the heads off prey. Teeth for biting the necks of victims. Ears for hearing the tiny sonic wave of the prey. Eyes are blind. The wings smell victims from 10,010,000 miles away. Horns for lifting whales that have swallowed bricks and ramming victims. The horns also give this magnificent animal the speed of the fastest lightning.